MedShr Case Studies

MedShr is the leading Global clinical case discussion platform, developed by doctors to enable physicians to share and discuss clinical cases, and connects over 2 million members in over 190 countries worldwide. MedShr is free to use for healthcare professionals, enabling peer-to-peer discussion of clinical cases and learning, and uses state of the art social networking technology to support case discussion while protecting patient and user privacy.

We deliver outstanding reach and physician engagement across across a wide range of clinical specialties from oncology and haematology, to diabetes, cardiology and rare diseases, and below are just some examples of how our unique approach has created an impact in a variety of cases.

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Rare Disease Education and Engagement

Given their rarity, these conditions are often difficult to identify and treat. Patients can endure a long journey involving specialty doctors, tests, and misdiagnoses, and our programs enable us to target clinicians at every stage of the patient journey, educating HCPs and ultimately shortening the time to diagnosis and starting treatment.

Global Health Education

Our Global Health Programme has now reached over 900,000 HCPs worldwide, including a large cohort in low-resource areas where there is high unmet need, and has been shortlisted for numerous 2022 awards including Communiqué and the Commonwealth Digital Health Awards.

Clinical Case Discussion Applied to Clinical Practice

MedShr Groups and Featured Educational Cases allow pharmaceutical and device companies to support doctors in specific disease and therapy areas. Physicians interact multiple times with educational content in the group, and receive regular update notifications and alerts when new content is posted. MedShr programmes demonstrate both participants' intent to change behaviour and their actual behaviour changes through thematic reports that include both quantitative and qualitative data (Moore's outcome Levels 4 and 5).

KOL or Expert-led Case Discussion

We develop highly relevant clinical cases, creating material with our faculty, or partnering with company KOLs, or leverage existing company materials. The KOL can also engage with comments on the cases once the activity is live, and this approach is particularly effective where Regional KOL/Expert opinion influences local physician behaviour.

Congress Amplification

Our Congress Amplification approach maximises visibility of new or relevant scientific data and content, leveraging heightened engagement around key conferences and scientific meetings. Audiences can be engaged pre, during and post event, increasing the longevity of material and improving the overall customer experience.