MedShr in a refugee camp: a junior doctor's perspective

When I began applying medical theory to practice for the first time during my internships as a medical student, I realised that it was so much more complex than what the textbooks prepare you for. I relied on the support and guidance of more experienced doctors, and I learned a lot during this time. However, I always wondered if other doctors had experienced similar cases and how they had managed them. I was also fascinated by medicine in different countries around the world. I discovered MedShr during the last few months of my internship. It’s a fantastic resource for doctors and medical students around the world to connect and share their experiences through case discussion. I began by browsing the diverse cases from many different specialties on MedShr, and learning from the discussions taking place. Before long, I was posting my own cases and discussing them with specialists. The best thing about MedShr is that it is a convenient, pocket-sized hub of knowledge that I can access from my smartphone in my pocket. I graduated in 2017, and was given the opportunity to work as a General Practitioner in a Syrian refugee camp, which is home to around 12,000 refugees. On an average day, I see between 50-100 patients, presenting with a range of conditions across all specialties. At the refugee camp, we also struggle with a lack of resources and funding. We only have a few investigations available, which are haemoglobin level, PT, T.serum and bilirubin. We also have limited access to medications. Therefore it is particularly important to focus on a good, detailed medical history and physical examinations. As a recently graduated junior doctor, who is often alone in the area, this is very challenging. In such difficult conditions, MedShr became a best friend and an easily accessible learning reference. The MedShr community is always on hand to provide their opinion and guidance on the complex cases that I deal with on a daily basis at the refugee camp. I am also happy that I can contribute in educating medical students, as I was myself a medical student not so long ago. MedShr has completely revolutionised medical education for students and doctors alike, and I’m so pleased to be a part of its beautiful mission which is to “Share knowledge, Save lives.” It’s an honour to be a part of the MedShr Editorial Programme, and I would encourage all medical students, junior and senior doctors to register and get involved! Join Dr Farman Hussein on MedShr, you can download the app on the App Store or on Google Play, or register on the website. Join the discussion and learn from one of Farman’s top medical cases below: Connect with Dr Hussein here, or start your own case discussion! Developed by doctors, MedShr is the easiest and safest way for medical professionals to discover, discuss and share clinical cases and medical images. Download the MedShr app for free from the App Store or Google Play. Alternatively, you can register on the website.

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