Coronavirus COVID-19 Daily Update 27th March 2020

Coronavirus COVID-19 Daily Update 27th March 2020

This update will be published daily at 12pm GMT and aims to provide clinicians and the public with an overview of the latest data, guidelines, key publications and policy around COVID-19, with links to essential resources and information.

If you are a healthcare professional, please join the discussion on these latest COVID-19 cases on MedShr:

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Please email if you have any data, publications or information you would like to share.

Global Impact of COVID-19 to Date

As of 27th March 09:00 (GMT)

COVID-19 Cumulative Global Cases

As of 26th March 09:00 (GMT)

COVID-19 Global Active Cases Map

As of 27th March 09:00 GMT

Total UK COVID-19 Cases

As of 26th March

NB: Public Health England has now moved to a different reporting time for UK COVID-19 fatalities, as family consent is now needed to release mortality statistics. Hence the reported figures may not actually be the deaths that have taken place over the past 24 hours, meaning caution needs to be exercised when comparing figures from one day to the next.

COVID-19 Cumulative UK Cases

As of 26th March

COVID-19 Daily UK Cases

As of 26th March

Latest Developments

The virus has spread worldwide despite containment efforts

As of 25th March 2020

Are Things Getting Better or Worse?

This graph shows the percentage of the total number of cases that occurred in the last 10 days for each country. This is plotted relative to the first day where more than 1 confirmed case per million people appeared. The size of the point represents the number of cases

As of 26th March 2020

Countries begin with similar trajectories but curves diverge based on range of measures taken

As of 25th March 2020

Western countries are largely instituting the "Early China model," focused on immediate containment while ramping up testing

As of 25th March 2020


37 doctors have died after contracting Covid-19 in Italy

As the country scales testing, the effects of national lockdown on viral transmission have yet to be determined

As of 25th March 2020


Rapid lockdowns were employed to manage outbreak before ramping up testing and response capabilities

As of 25th March 2020


US now has more cases than any other country

In China, no province outside Hubei ever had more than 1,500 cases. In the U.S. 11 states already hit that total:

As of 26th March 2020

Modelling published in the New York Times shows why social distancing cannot be quickly or prematurely relaxed.

South Korea: Rigorous investigation of outbreak clusters and rapidly scaled testing capabilities limited spread

As of 25th March 2020

Latest COVID-19 Publications

Some key recent publications to be aware of:

The effect of control strategies to reduce social mixing on outcomes of the COVID-19 epidemic in Wuhan, China: a modelling study

Published 25th March 2020

This modelling study for China's COVID-19 data, published in the Lancet, shows why social distancing cannot be quickly or prematurely relaxed.

Case-Fatality Rate and Characteristics of Patients Dying in Relation to COVID-19 in Italy

Published 23rd March 2020

This article reviews the Italian experience with COVID-19 with an emphasis on fatalities. It reports the overall fatality rate of persons with confirmed COVID-19 in the Italian population, based on data up to March 17, was 7.2% (1625 deaths/22 512 cases), and discusses the possible reasons for this high fatality rate.

Author: Dr Daniel Livingstone, MedShr - Health Education England Fellow

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