COVID-19 in Africa

COVID-19 Africa Medical Education Programme

COVID-19 in Africa: Medical Education Programme Overview

This free case-based COVID-19 education programme is designed for doctors and other healthcare professionals in Africa. This page will be updated regularly with new COVID-19 educational content as well as curated guidance, data and publications for doctors. Doctors, nurses and medical students can also register for full access to MedShr to join the discussions in the COVID-19 Africa Group, view real COVID-19 cases from around the world, and take part in quick polls.

Register for free

COVID-19 Cases and Polls

COVID-19 Guidance for Doctors, Nurses and other Health Workers

COVID-19 Prevention

COVID-19 Recognition

COVID-19 Investigation

COVID-19 Management

COVID-19 Patient Communications

COVID-19 in Clinical Groups/Specialties

Key COVID-19 Data

Updated 8 June 2020 from WHO. View the full Weekly COVID-19 Update.

Key COVID-19 News and Data

View the full Weekly COVID-19 Update

Please submit publications and resources to

Get Involved

Please help share knowledge with doctors and other healthcare professionals by posting COVID-19 cases in the COVID-19 Africa Group, and by submitting articles and resources to

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