COVID-19: Call for Clinical Cases

MedShr founder Dr Asif Qasim urges doctors around the world to share knowledge of COVID-19 with colleagues by posting clinical cases in MedShr's COVID-19 Case Discussion Group.

Over recent weeks, we've seen a huge surge in COVID-19 patients - initially in Asia and then in Europe, and now in the USA.

We've had to deal with pneumonias like we've never seen before, an unprecedented number of ventilated patients and patients requiring other respiratory support. As well as that, we've been learning how to manage patients with cardiac complications, myocardial infarction with unobstructed coronary arteries, myocarditis, arrhythmias, as well as strokes and other complications of coronavirus. 

Thankfully in most territories in Europe and in the US now it looks like we've passed the peak and we're looking at how we can bring back normal elective activity and get services back to normal.

Right now we need to look at how we can support Africa and the Middle East and countries that are about to encounter COVID-19. Through MedShr our members learned a huge amount about what to expect from the patients that were going to present, and I would  like to call on you as doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals - whether you're members of MedShr or not - to share the experiences that you've had to help those people that are about to encounter patients with COVID-19.

That includes thinking about presentation in terms of all the symptoms that we have become familiar with. It includes looking at how to manage patients in respiratory distress, thinking about noninvasive ventilation, thinking about CPAP and when to intubate and ventilate, and also looking at how to look after the other complications, such as cardiac and stroke and so on.

MedShr membership is free. If you're not already a member, please download the app and register. 

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Please  post case examples that you think will be valuable in helping people in Africa and the Middle East when they come to looking after patients with COVID-19. 

How to post on MedShr >

We can use our experiences to help those doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals do the best they can for their patients.

If you'd like to put together learning modules,  algorithms,  or guidelines, please get in touch with the team and we'll help you do that, either on the MedShr platform or on our open pages. 

If you'd like to contact me, you can do that by direct messaging on MedShr or you can email me directly.

Contact the MedShr team >

Please let's get together and use the experience that we have to help doctors in the countries that are about to face the COVID-19 pandemic.

Join the COVID-19 Discussion Group >

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