To study medicine is to fall in love with it


“To study medicine is to fall in love with it.”

I’m currently a 6th year medical student at the University of Montenegro and I plan to specialise in the field of neuropsychiatry following my graduation. Since 2013 I have been actively involved with numerous medical student organisations such as Montenegrin Medical Students International Committee (MoMSIC), Montenegrin Association against AIDS (CAZAS) and NGO Juventas. I have actively sought to collaborate with the medical community wherever possible, in the strong belief that progress could be accelerated through sharing of knowledge. Hence I participate regularly in international medical congresses, conferences and workshops and I am very proud to take part in MedShr, an online medical innovation, as an Editorial Assistant.

What inspired you to study medicine?

I was inspired to choose medicine as my vocation after seeing the courageous battle that my mother held while suffering from multiple sclerosis for almost 23 years. As a child I witnessed her invincible spirit and willingness to live and this is the feeling I wish to inspire in all of my patients. I guess you can say that I have been a caregiver throughout my entire life and after having such practice, it is natural for me to want to help cure people from their illness.

Do you ever regret becoming a HCP? Would you consider doing anything else?

Studying medicine is a challenge for me, and there were moments when I doubted my capabilities. However, with the support of my family and friends, I managed to gain the effort I needed to continue forward.

Do you believe technology has a place in medicine?

I believe that technology is inseparable from medicine. The scientific progress that humankind is making in this field impacts the development of techniques for successful medical treatment. We are witnessing times of great technological improvement and its application will provide many new and wonderful outcomes for patients. One of the these was presented at a TEDx conference I organised last year, on the topic of technological recovering of amputated limbs. We have reached a point where a patient can now “feel” the item being picked after the limb was amputated.

It is necessary to share and discuss treatments, procedures and techniques within the field of medicine. While it is difficult for many people to access top medical journals, technology permits us a different platform for sharing information, results and research. Thus, in collaboration with new technology, we´ll be able to overcome obstacles much faster than ever before.

What do you think about MedShr? Is it useful for HCPs? If so, how?

MedShr is a wonderful way to exchange medical opinions with colleagues worldwide. I have found it extremely useful; through sharing cases I can add to and refresh my knowledge about many illnesses and disorders. It’s a great way to learn.

Tell us something unexpected about yourself.

I was the leading organiser and license holder of TEDxPodgorica 2015. Together with a team of nearly 30 people I managed to invite some of the greatest minds in my country to speak. My goal was to become an active participant in organising an event for the global community that provides cultural understanding about life-changing ideas. I’ve been an avid listener for TED talks in last years and it has helped changed my life in such a positive way. I wish to encourage people to talk about their innovative ideas. Introducing TED Talk into my community is one of the things I am proudest of.

If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?

Curious, dedicated, emotional.

What makes you get out of bed in the morning?

The thought that this day will never be repeated again.

What, in your opinion, is the greatest concern for Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) in this day and age?

I believe that this would be highly dependent on the healthcare system of a particular country. For example, patient’s privacy and issues revolving around HCP’s equality and diversity are major concerns in developed countries. On the other hand, in developing countries HCPs are still facing a lack of basic medicines and access to good equipment for treatment and diagnostics.

Do you read any journals / healthcare sites regularly?

My favorites ones are: WebMD, MayoClinic, Medscape and MedicineNet.

If you could give one piece of advice to young people thinking about studying medicine, what would it be?

Though it is important to work hard and to put in effort, it is more important to enjoy what you are studying. To study medicine is to fall in love with it.

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